Creepy Red-Eye Man

In case you needed fresh proof that the human race is indeed getting stranger (not to mention sketchier), I ask you to gaze on this little sign that I found taped up at the bus stop as I waited to take the shuttle up to campus. I sincerely hope with everything in me that it …

Tuesday Tell-All

*Have I mentioned before how Matt is growing an avocado plant from an avocado that I bought last summer? It’s kind of a funny story, actually—he had started growing an avocado plant on his mission and has just always wanted to grow another one, so he started dropping not-so-subtle hints soon after we got married that …

Tuesday Tell-All

  *I am probably a little obsessed about the color combination of blue and grey. I think I wear it at least three times a week. But how can I help it, when it’s just so darn easy? *America’s Next Top Model started three weeks ago. How is it that I just found out about …

New Hair, New Woman

Don’t you just love how a new haircut/color can just make you feel like reborn? With this new ‘do, I’m feeling a bit edgier…like maybe I’ll go to bed at 11 instead of 10:30 tonight. Rebellion, here I come! And just in case you were wondering what I’d look like with black teeth, here you …

Marathon Training, Week Eleven

Remember when I said that my motivation was directly proportional to the temperature outside? Well, apparently my suffering is also directly proportional to the temperature outside. If the temperatures are bitterly cold, I have no motivation, but at least the run itself is pretty easy. If the temperature outside is a beautiful, sunny 60-degrees or …