Tuesday Tell-All

*Remember how a few weeks back, I asked for meatless recipes because we hadn’t been buying meat cuz it was so expensive? Well, I have been completely overwhelmed by the generosity of so many to ensure that we don’t accidentally go all vegetarian on everyone. Not only was there the random bag of meat put …

About Me


All right, I’ve been tagged. I guess I’ll play along, in the spirit of procrastination that I’m in 🙂Game rules:1. post these rules.2. post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.3. answer the questions set for you in the original post.4. create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.5. go to their …

Book #4: Freak the Mighty

Title: Freak the MightyAuthor: Rodman PhilbrickPages: 160 Even when you end up loving the books that you’re assigned to read, there’s just something about assigned reading that makes the task ridiculously more difficult than it should be. Such was the case with me and Freak the Mighty–I’ve known for weeks that I would be teaching …