Tuesday Tell-All

Because I’ve got some random photos I need to dump somewhere and a lot of disconnected thoughts running around in my fuzzy little brain, I thought we’d do a Tuesday Tell-All for old times’ sake. *As an early Christmas splurge, Matt and I bought ourselves a new lens for the camera (although, if we’re being …

Tuesday Tell-All

  For a throwback to good ol’ blog-times past, let’s do a little Tuesday Tell-All, shall we? *For starters, I call the picture above, “Sweet Taters Through Steam.” Sometimes I think my calling in life is making food, taking pictures of it, and then eating it. I’m perfectly okay with that life vision for myself. …

Tuesday Tell-All

*It’s happening, people—bare legs and arms and all sorts of body parts are emerging from their winter cocoons as this warmer wave of weather sweeps over Utah. I didn’t wear tights to church last Sunday (!), and I even did my 5-mile run yesterday in a tank top. It’s a March miracle (for Utah anyway). …

Tuesday Tell-All

*Last night, I reached into my filing cabinet eagerly to pull out my book lists so that I could make that delicious check mark through yet another book title that I’d read. And there my highlighter sat–poised with eagerness over the columns of book titles–when I saw it: I had read the WRONG book. Apparently, …

Tuesday Tell-All

*Well folks, it’s one of those weeks–a week when the universe conspires against you to make all of your least favorite things happen all at once: parent/teacher conferences, hall duty, monitoring lunch detentions, and midterm grades being due. It’s the perfect storm, and I can’t believe it’s only Tuesday. *I’ve been thinking a lot lately about …