Coming at you with another Big 3 Goals post for February, as well as letting you know what we’ve been up to for the past month! January 2025 Recap Highlights (Personal + Family) January was all about finding a rhythm with Matt being away from us during the week for his winter job while I …
Year in Review: 2024
Even though I’m a bit late getting this out, I still wanted to keep up my yearly tradition of doing a recap of our last year as a whole, as well as share all of the photos we took every Sunday throughout the whole year (something we’ve been doing since 2018!). It’s so valuable for …
The Big 3 for January 2025 {+ December Recap}
I’ve known for awhile that my monthly goals posts needed a refresh. I still believe in the power of setting monthly goals, but in this season of life, I don’t have the bandwidth to have a very wide spread of goals; instead, I have much more success when I hone in on just a few …
Christmas “Card” 2024
Merry Christmas from our family to you!! I feel like I’ve said this every single year for basically the last decade, but wow, this was another year for the books for our family! 2024 will basically always go down as the year that the flower farm went full-time, and it sure came with a pretty …
Loving and Learning Lately {51}
Welcome to Round 51 of this little series I started of all the things in life I’m loving and learning lately! Here you’ll find everything from the books I’m currently reading to the products I’m loving to the shows I’m watching (which, spoiler alert–won’t be very many or very exciting, since I’m not a huge …
Weekly Frugal Wins // A New Winter Job
This is a series in the style of The Frugal Girl’s Five Frugal Things, where I post about what I’ve done lately to save money and make things stretch in order to further our financial goals, which currently include us paying off a decent hunk of debt. I encourage you to play along and post …
The Last Monthly Goals Post {Sept, Oct, Nov 2024 Goals}
Judging by the fact that this post is now covering the monthly goals for August, September, and October PLUS the recap for all of the above AND November…I’m sure you can imagine how life has been over here. I’ve been on the fence about if I want to keep on doing these monthly goals posts …
Weekly Frugal Wins // Discount Zoo Days + Black Friday
This is a series in the style of The Frugal Girl’s Five Frugal Things, where I post about what I’ve done lately to save money and make things stretch in order to further our financial goals, which currently include us paying off a decent hunk of debt. I encourage you to play along and post …