Tell-All Tuesday

*First off, thank you to everyone who offered me consolation/support/a shoulder to cry on/etc. after my terrible, no-good, awful workday(s) last week. I have since survived until yet another Tuesday, and things have been overall going better (at least to the point where I think that I can hold out for another few months) *I …

Tell-All Tuesday

*I’ll just get this one off my chest first and foremost: I had a terrible day at work yesterday. I started crying even before I was safely in my car after clocking out. I sometimes feel like my job is killing my soul. Am I alone on this? *Today’s workday hasn’t been much better. It’s a …

Tell-All Tuesday

Here it is again, another Tuesday. Which, of course, means it’s time for me to do another unclogging of my brain: *I finally got around to starting The Help. After hearing about it virtually everywhere, I couldn’t stand being left out any longer (I really do have a problem) and went out and ordered myself …

Tuesday Tell-All

*Remember my cute little His/Hers garden post a couple weeks back? Well, depressingly & inexplicably, half of my container garden now lies dead, despite numerous waterings & fertilizer sprayings. So we’ll just pretend that this picture is of my own container garden, although it most definitely is not. *I amazingly did not gain weight over …

Tuesday Tell-All

Since last week’s Tell-All worked so well to clear my head of all the random junk that just floats across it, I decided to just continue the tradition. I know, you’re all so excited to hear the randomness that is my thought process. So here I go: *Matt and I are re-addicted to The Biggest …

Tuesday Tell-All

Some random thoughts going through my head today: *I’m so glad there’s toilet paper in our work bathroom; I was tired of the chafing of paper towels. *My days go by so much better now that Matt wakes up early with me. Because of our differing schedules, he used to still be asleep when I …