Some random thoughts going through my head today:
*I’m so glad there’s toilet paper in our work bathroom; I was tired of the chafing of paper towels.
*My days go by so much better now that Matt wakes up early with me. Because of our differing schedules, he used to still be asleep when I went to work. Now that we’ve both cut back on our reading time late at night, we both get to bed at a decent hour and wake up at the same time. I love the extra face time, even if it’s just for half an hour or so!
*Also love how Matt makes my lunch for me 🙂
*This new get-healthy plan I started yesterday feels different…it feels like success. Those last few mission pounds don’t stand a chance! I’m actually excited to post some before and after pictures in a few weeks, because I’m sure that this time I’ll actually be able to tell a difference!
*There’s nothing better than the thunderstorms we’ve been having lately–love the cooler temperatures!
*I think I’m finally getting used to my new last name. Sometimes I’ll still check the “F’s” on a list instead of the “M’s”, but I’m getting there
*I believe I now subscribe to literally a dozen different magazines. I think I have a problem.
*I just checked out a new audiobook last night: A Brief History of Just About Everything. I will be a genius within the month.
*Being married to a man who loves saving money is good for me; I put $100 into our savings account today. Small amount, but it all adds up over time.
*I wish I had snuck my latest Oprah magazine to work today
*My back is sore from my power toning class yesterday: I think I have the weakest core known to man
*Is it lunchtime yet?
K, that’s all.