At the beginning of 2018, I decided to vastly change how I approached goal-setting, and instead of setting my usual New Year’s resolutions, I decided to hop on the bandwagon of doing 101 goals in 1001 days (which is just under 3 years).

After completing over 60% of my first list (you can see the final results HERE) and loving the challenge, I’ve decided to continue on with a second 101 in 1001 list. Below you’ll find the current version, as well as any that I’ve completed. (Note: If you want to see the notes I initially made on each of these goals, check out the original post for this list HERE.)

My (Second) 101 in 1001 List

  • Start Date: October 20th, 2020
  • End Date: July 18th, 2023

Financial (7/8)

Homestead Life (3/5)

  • Preserve three types of food (aka, tomato sauce, applesauce) all by myself
  • Plant an apricot tree (completed February 2021)
  • Plant strawberries + blackberries (completed March 2021)
  • Purchase part of a cow
  • Buy a better food dehydrator (completed Dec 2020)

Emergency Preparedness (1/4)

  • Create a will
  • Have at least a 6-month long-term food supply on hand for our family (completed October 2021)
  • Buy an emergency water drum + spigot and make sure we have an adequate emergency water supply
  • Make 72-hour kits for each member of the family

Health + Beauty (2/4)

  • Whiten teeth (completed Nov 2020)
  • Get back to pre-pregnancy weight (completed September 2022)
  • Run in a race again (any length)
  • Complete BBG (on my own terms)

Spiritual (2/3)

Flower Farming (9/12)

  • Expand farm to lilac bushes + expand front garden bed (completed October 2021)
  • Try selling at the local farmer’s market (completed August 2021)
  • Try a low tunnel or hoophouse (completed March 2022)
  • Try landscape fabric (completed June 2022)
  • Install drip irrigation in the raised beds
  • Expand to both a spring and summer CSA (completed February 2022)
  • Do a bouquet bar 
  • Donate flowers to the local nursing home
  • Host an event at the farm (like a u-pick day) (completed August 2021)
  • Try a seedling sale (completed May 2021)
  • Turn a profit (completed October 2022)
  • Try selling to florists to see how I like it (completed August 2022)

Personal Development + Skills (2/8)

  • Take a floral arranging/design class
  • Mend at least one piece of clothing (completed July 2021)
  • Alter at least one piece of clothing
  • Learn to French braid
  • Find a go-to gluten-free pie recipe
  • Find a go-to gluten-free cake recipe (completed July 2022)
  • Try 12 different gluten-free cookie recipes (5/12)
  • Make 5 new recipes out of each of my cookbooks + donate the ones I don’t get to

Family/Service (5/10)

  • Sign Mathias up for preschool (completed March 2021)
  • Sign both Raven and Mathias up for swimming lessons (completed June 2022)
  • Start teaching piano to Raven (completed December 2021)
  • Get family pics taken three times (completed September 2022)
  • Donate at least $100 to the local library
  • Donate at least $100 to a local charity (completed December 2021)
  • Donate to five different Go Fund Me accounts (2/5)
  • Make birthday boxes to donate to the local food pantry
  • Move Raven to her own room and move the boys in together
  • Create family photo albums through 2020

Local Love (11/11)

  • Take the kids to 5 different parks/playgrounds (completed September 2022)
  • Go on 3 local hikes (completed September 2022)
  • Find a pediatrician (completed January 2021)
  • Find a dentist (completed January 2021)
  • Find an OB/GYN (completed June 2021)
  • Find a general family doctor (completed January 2021)
  • Try out 5 local restaurants (completed June 2022)
  • Go to a community event (completed October 2021)
  • Go to storytime at the library + get a library card (completed August 2021)
  • Find or start a book club (completed August 2021)
  • Make purchases from 5 local (non-chain) businesses (completed August 2021)

Fun/Travel (3/6)

  • Visit the Children’s Museum in Salt Lake
  • Go on a family vacation (completed April 2021)
  • Go on an overnight trip with just Matt and me (completed July 2021)
  • Do something memorable for our 10-year anniversary (completed July 2021)
  • Attend a musical
  • Go camping

Yard (3/3)

  • Grow dahlias (both from seed and from tubers) (completed August 2022)
  • Build more garden beds (completed March 2021)
  • Build sandbox (completed August 2021)

Home (14/23)

  • Update flooring in kitchen (completed August 2021)
  • Paint kitchen cabinets (completed January 2021)
  • Paint main floor walls (completed Nov 2020)
  • Update curtains in front room
  • Update at least one light fixture (completed Nov 2020)
  • Add recessed lighting in the kitchen (completed Nov 2020)
  • Update flooring in playroom (completed January 2021)
  • Paint upstairs kids’ bedroom (completed Nov 2020)
  • Put up backsplash in kitchen
  • Make a gallery wall in our house of my photography
  • Clear out junk room in basement
  • Figure out an organizational system for master closet + paint upper half of walls (completed December 2021)
  • Buy rug for master bedroom (completed February 2021)
  • Get plumbing quotes for adding bathroom downstairs and adding sink to workshop in outbuilding
  • Buy/make decor for each season and major holiday
  • Replace and update the kitchen sink and faucet
  • Fix leak in master bathroom (completed February 2022)
  • Update master bedroom (completed Dec 2020)
  • Start making updates to main bathroom
  • Replace cracked window in front room (completed May 2022)
  • Come up with organizational scheme for playroom (completed September 2022)
  • Buy outdoor furniture for the deck
  • Declutter 1,001 items (completed July 2021)

Reading (0/4)

  • Read 50 books I own (31/50)
  • Participate in (and complete!) a reading challenge
  • Start my Assigned Reading again
  • Do ten read-alouds with Raven + eventually include Mathias (8/10)

Current Total of Completed Goals: 62/101