Tuesday Tell-All

*What these pictures don’t tell you is this—for the past two days, my left eyelid has been mysteriously puffy and swollen. It’s almost imperceptible unless you’re looking for it, but it has been preventing me from wearing any other eye makeup besides just a little mascara. As I mentioned in this post about my thoughts on …

Tuesday Tell-All

  (Random pictures courtesy of a trip to Europe way back when I was a wee lass of 19) *Here’s how my day went yesterday: -I learned that all of my craziest, rowdiest, most hard-to-contain, drive-me-bat-crazy kids who all have me for Spanish also all list Spanish as their favorite class. Go figure. It made …

Tuesday Tell-All

*Guys, it feels SOOOO good to be back blogging again. Even though I desperately needed the break, it was kind of a love/hate thing because almost all I could think about the whole time was how much I missed the therapy of getting all the details of my days out onscreen so they weren’t all rattling inside …

Tuesday Tell-All

  Top 6 Things On My Mind: 1. Today is Matt’s 27th birthday, and his gifts that I ordered online still haven’t come. Amazon, you have very rarely failed me in life, but this is one of those times. And this morning, when I was trying to start his birthday off with a bang, I decided …

Tuesday Tell-All

A few things on my mind: 1. My hair is at the perfect length for me, which means (of course) that I’m due for another haircut. 2. My husband took the GRE today, and it’s starting to make our future a little more real. We’ve been spending our weekends researching schools and weighing options and …

Tuesday Tell-All

*It’s a good thing I finally learned (mostly, anyway) to just embrace my pale skin because as you can tell, these legs look like they didn’t see much sun all summer. And you basically have to squint at the other two pictures in this post to see some of my limbs—my arms and legs seem to blend …

Tuesday Tell-All

*Oh man–are we really only one week into school? That seems utterly and absolutely impossible, considering that I’ve already not-slept enough in the past week to make me tired for a month. *Here’s the good news, though: after last week’s first-day debacle, I purposely tried to scare the pants off of each and every student …