Quick Chicken Linguine

I am constantly on the lookout for recipes that are quick, simple, and relatively low-calorie (not to mention delicious, duh). I’ve been trying out tons of new recipes lately, and almost all of them have just knocked our socks off (or at least made us loosen our belts so we could go back for seconds …

Yes or No?

Colored Pants: Yes or No?

I have a dilemma, folks: To buy colored pants, or not to buy colored pants? I have seemingly seen colored pants cropping up everywhere, like on blogs and on Pinterest and all around our little ol’ town of Logan. I think I like the idea of them, and I’ve been toying around with the thought …

Book #5: Crossed

Title: Crossed Author: Ally Condie # of Pages: 367 Genre: Young Adult Dystopian Series I seem to be finishing the majority of my books at the plasma center lately…it must be because I have nothing else to distract me, like our laptop or Matt. I debated whether I should put off reading Crossed until the release date …

Tuesday Tell-All

*Daylight savings has just been killing me lately–you know it’s bad when one of your students notices how snippety you seem and asks, “Are you really tired today, Mrs. Meidell? You don’t look so good.” Well said. *Speaking of not feeling good, Matt’s been feeling pretty weird since our long run–like having vertigo and feeling …

Triple Birthday Threat

March 11th is all excitement at our house, because we get to celebrate not just one, but THREE birthdays: my brother’s, my stepdad’s, and my grandma’s. It’s awesome. Since my grandma has been recovering from a serious ankle break, we had the entire extended family up to the rehabilitation center for Bingo (“Bloom”) and cake …

Marathon Training, Week Ten

Besides these awesome “motivational posters” that I found this week on runnersworld.com, it’s been a tough week of training. First, we had the freak snowstorm at the beginning of the week, which prevented me from going out for any kind of run until Wednesday. And then, when Mr. Winter finally decided to cut me a …

Family Night, Bieber Style

This is what we do for family night when Matt has a pending haircut the next day: We turn him into Justin Bieber, of course. Then we laugh and take pictures and say how weird it’s going to be when he has short hair. But when all is said and done, he’s still the handsomest …