With the onset of my thirties, not much obviously changed for me, aging-wise. Sure, I’d noticed for years that my body was becoming more sensitive to things like bad mattresses and not warming up properly before a hard workout. I also found my first gray hair when I was probably around 26, and I’ve had …
True Story: I’ve Lost the Motivation to Run
Uh oh… It’s happening: The dreaded post-race running slump. If you took a peek into my running log today, you would see (perhaps with your eyebrow arched a little in surprise) that I’ve only been on 3 runs since my half marathon a month ago. Logging only one run the week after the half was …
Top of Utah Half Marathon
Sometimes when you run a race, all the variables seem to be against you–you don’t get any quality sleep the night before, the sky decides to have a temper tantrum and rain down sheets of cold rain from the moment you step onto the starting line, the inevitability of personal loss looms over your head …
How to Enjoy Running More
One thing I was most excited about when it came to quitting teaching was the opportunity it would give me to start running more, especially more in the mornings. If you would have told me that fact six years ago, though, I would have laughed in your face and called you a liar-liar-pants-on-fire. You see, …
Guess Who Hit Her Pre-Pregnancy Weight?
Although happy about my achievement, the deliriousness of this picture is caused more by the wind and the attempt at a “jumping picture” rather than just the joy of the milestone. Just clarifying. Sadly, this is about the best picture we got, ha ha. Well, it’s happened—it might be about six or seven months later …
How to Know If You’re Ready to Train for a Half Marathon
One of my new year’s “challenges” was to sign up for another half marathon, a distance I haven’t run for two years (almost to the day). After successfully running 4 – 5 mile distances (without stopping to walk) for several weeks now, I figured it was time to bite the bullet and just sign up …
Running Off the Clock: Perks and Pitfalls
Even with the half marathon a few weeks behind me, I’ve been pleased to find that I’m still motivated enough (or at least conditioned enough) to keep running three times a week. Last Saturday I even ran 7 miles just for the heck of it (and not because my training schedule told me I …
Thanksgiving Point Half Marathon
(A few things to point out in this picture—I am not angry, just focused. And check out the oranges in my hand–I don’t trust the food at the aid stations, so I bring my own. P.S. This is at the start of the race. Hence the reason I’m dry.) Last Saturday dawned drizzly and …