Style Learning Curve

In Which I Wear the Only Headband I’ve Ever Liked

I’ve never been one to wear headbands. Even in the 90’s, when those thick crescent-moon-shaped numbers were all the rage, I never got too into the style: I felt like it brought attention to all the wrong things (like the ever-present gap in the side of my bangs) and that it made me look, well. immature.

And of course, to a 12-year-old (which is probably about how old I was when they were all the rage), I wanted to look anything but immature.


But, when one of my adorable sisters-in-law gave me this beautiful gold number last Christmas, I was instantly smitten—it felt like a socially acceptable tiara, and I found myself gliding along in my gladiators and maxi skirts, feeling much like a Greek goddess.

A good accessory can do that, you know.

In other news, I learned another style trick. (Side note: I realize I am iceberg-slow when it comes to coming up with new fashion-y things. But dagnabbit, when I get something, I have to brag because it is just THAT unusual.)

Here’s my latest secret: turning my Old Navy maxidresses (which I wear all the time—this one’s in one of my posts just last week, for crying out loud!) into faux-skirts by throwing a cute blouse over the top.

Seriously, I feel so proud of myself I think I might just  have to go treat myself to about five cookies now to finish off my very healthy green-smoothie breakfast.

(It’s okay—I just ran 5 miles this morning. No big deal.)

Where do you stand on headbands?

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