Blogging, Milestones

Six-Year Blogiversary

It just so happens that while I was checking my blog archives today, I found out that today (yes, TODAY!) is the six-year anniversary of me starting this ol’ blog.

Of course, I didn’t regularly start blogging until a couple years ago, but I thought I’d take this moment to thank you—my lovely readers—for this wonderful journey.

Sometimes people ask me why I blog, and the truth is, there are lots of reasons. The simple fact is this: I love the creative outlet it gives me, I love the people it lets me connect with, and I love how it lets me chronicle and share my life with all of you lovely people.

Thank you so much for following along!

Below, a list of some popular posts from awhile back:

10. The story of how Matt proposed

9. How I knew that Matt was The One

8. This is the kind of thing that happens to someone else…

7. My tips for beginning coupon-ers

6. My first (and only) experience with waxing

5. From “not a runner” to my first marathon

4. Thoughts on being a first-year teacher

3. No more trying to be Superwoman

2. What to do when a parent tries to get you fired

1. In defense of cooking

Here’s to the next six years! And to all of you people who are making this journey so very worthwhile for me.

Thank you!

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