Dating Challenge, Here's What's Cooking, Recipes

Farmer’s Market Date (+ My Favorite Waffle Recipe)


I’ve been intending to do one of the fun summer date ideas I posted about for awhile now, and Saturday, we were finally able to scratch up some time.

Here’s the summary of the date idea copied and pasted from the other post:

Go to a local farmers’ market (check out Local Harvest’s website for a location near you), and give each of you $10 (for a total of $20 between the two of you). After walking around for awhile to enjoy the general splendor, split up, and follow these two rules: one, spend $5 on something that you can take back home and make for breakfast together, and two, spend the other $5 on a special treat or trinket you think your spouse would enjoy. Then go home and make breakfast together with your finds and eat it out on your porch/patio.


I’ll be the first to admit that we cheated a little. We have a hard time exploring new places apart from each other (I blame it on the fact that I love to see Matt’s reaction to new things), so we ended up picking out the stuff for breakfast together. And when we were supposed to pick out something for the other person, well, we both knew we were ultimately going to end up at the same spot (this insanely decadent-looking stand full of homemade cheesecakes and whipped chocolate pies), so we both went together and picked ’em right out.

And here they are, our spoils:


And I’ve got something else to confess: this was actually my first time ever going to a local farmer’s market (like, one that had fresh food and everything and not just crafts), and I’ve got to admit, I was kind of addicted from my first sighting of fresh onions stacked up alongside red-edged rhubarb and plump berries.


After our eyes had had their fill of the visual dessert that was the fair (and our stomachs had the edge of hunger taken off by several free artisan bread samples), we headed back home to make waffles from scratch (see recipe below) and chat about the usual: our garden, books, photography, you name it. Due to the stormy skies, we ended up eating our meal inside, but it was still the perfect kind of Saturday morning.

It seems like such a simple little date (and it was), but you know, I’ve discovered that I’m the kind of person that really needs some novelty every now and then.

But doesn’t every marriage?


And now, for the fluffiest recipe of waffles EVER (that I grew up on and am asked constantly by friends and visiting relatives to make):

The Best-Ever Waffle Recipe

2 cups milk
2 cups flour
2 eggs
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup shortening

Put all the ingredients into a blender, and mix thoroughly for 3-4 minutes. Pour the batter into a heated, greased waffle iron, and toast until golden brown.

Serve with syrup, fresh berries, or any other of your favorite toppings (such as powdered sugar, peaches and cream, etc.)

Serves: 3-4 people (depending on how hungry everyone is)


What kinds of things do you do to bring a little novelty to your relationship (or your life)?

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