I seriously have just racked my whole brain, and nowhere in my past four months of experience can I find anything involving anything shaped like this or tasting like that going into my mouth.
And why do these people who are always around me look so stinkin’ EXCITED about it, too?
Seriously, this is even worse than having to eat that fish secondhand when you had it that one night for dinner, Mom.
Okay, I request formal sanctuary from this green bean business and am making sure to throw in a solid fist pump for good measure.
I shall not yield!
You may be laughing now, person-with-the-red-spoon, but I just learned to blow raspberries this week and am not afraid to use them.
Oh, and in other news, Raven is no longer on hunger strike after the debacle that was my first day of work last week, and I officially stopped nursing her on Saturday night (pause for a little tear to well up in my overtired eyes).
Thank goodness she’s taking pretty well to formula and solid foods so that I have at least half a brain left to concentrate on teaching Spanish conjugation and administering diagnostic tests.
Can this first week of school be over yet?