Family Fun, Milestones, Raven

Raven’s Big Debut (aka, Raven’s Baby Blessing)

In my religion, we believe in giving children a special blessing (usually when they’re infants) in front of the church congregation. It is partly to formally present the child into the church as a child on the church’s records, and it’s also a way for the child to receive certain blessings by virtue of a priesthood blessing. Basically in our culture, a baby’s blessing day is an important day, and it’s often a day celebrated with family and friends.
 (Grandma and Dad helping Raven get ready)

We felt so fortunate that we had over 70 people come from out of town to celebrate Raven’s special day–all of Matt’s siblings and families, many of my siblings and their families, as well as much of my mother’s family as well as some close personal friends. One thing that was said in Raven’s blessing was that she would be blessed with a knowledge and a promise of a loving, supportive family that would be there for her throughout her life.

I’d say that her family is already making good on that promise.

That promise of the support and love of family (both immediate and extended) is a gift I also have enjoyed throughout my life, and it is because of the example I had growing up that makes me determined to “show up” to the important events of those nearest and dearest to me.

In fact, I wrote a post about that very thing about a year and a half ago.

With pregnancy and having a newborn, I haven’t made it out to as many events as I did before. But Sunday was a good reminder to me that it’s important to show up for those important milestones in your loved ones’ lives–even if you don’t even get much of a chance to say much to the person being recognized, the fact that you showed up to show your love and support sometimes means just as much as anything else.

We were so grateful that so many people turned out to show their love and support.

It really was a beautiful day.

Now, on to more pictures!

 (Raven sometimes gets overwhelmed by the fact that we are kissing her face off every two seconds…)
 (Here’s a picture of all the priesthood holders who stood in the circle for the blessing. At one point, they were all wearing white shirts and ties, but the second church was out, many made a beeline to go change. 
The only reason Matt’s even in a white shirt himself is because I made him keep it on until I’d gotten pictures.)
(In case anyone was wondering, Raven’s beautiful dress was made for her by her very talented great-grandmother)
Congratulations on your big day, Baby Girl–
you bring so much joy to so many, and I hope you always know how much you’re loved by your family here on earth and your Father in Heaven.
So glad that you’re ours forever.

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