Taking Pictures is One of the Best Things About Traveling

Throughout my life, I’ve loved hearing stories about people who had an out-of-this-world passion for something–people who felt like they’d discovered their “calling” in life, and who subsequently did whatever it took to chase after that passion. I would guess that most people have a similar affinity for these types of stories, maybe because they …

Traveling w/ Kids: It’s Not Awful, But It IS Different

Lately, I’ve seen a lot of posts from parents that basically all say that traveling with kids is the pits: no rest, no relaxation, no fun–just supervision and crankiness and stress the vast majority of the time. (Or my own personal favorite: “Let’s get real–it’s really only a vacation for the kids.”) I get it. …

Honey, We’re Home (Again)

Yesterday we got back from spending a week out in forested, cabin-filled, wildlife-everywhere-you-turn paradise, and it was awe-inspiring and creativity-fueling and (surprisingly) body-rejuvenating while still being stuffed full of memories of family and adventure and just a wee bit of craziness. In other words, it was everything a vacation should be. And, while I can’t …