Colorado, National Parks, Travel, Travel Tips, Vacations

In Which I Post About a Million Pics of Raven’s First National Park Experience

The reason I’ve been a bit MIA from the blog is because we just got back from road trippin’ it all the way to Missouri to celebrate my dad’s recent marriage (big post with lots of pics to follow).

When we visited my dad two summers ago, Matt and I just gritted our teeth and did the whole drive in one day (a 16-hour drive, not counting stops). Considering that we were going to be toting a rather energetic two-and-a-half-month-old this time, we figured we’d better be smart about it and do the drive over two days instead of just one.

While the things I learned about traveling with a 2.5-month-old will probably end up in their own post,  I will say this–
We were smart to break up the drive. Not only was Raven about a billion times more manageable (and happy) because we *only* drove for about 8-9 hours a day, but we also were able to have ourselves a little “mini vacation” along the way in Estes Park, Colorado.
For those unfamiliar with that area, Estes Park is adjacent to Rocky Mountain National Park, a gorgeous canyon filled with roaming elk herds, lots of bighorn sheep, and about the most stunning tundra landscapes you could hope for.

It was Raven’s first real trip anywhere, and she let us know with ample giggles and kicking of the legs that she just loves being out in nature (and out of that dang carseat).

And because I couldn’t narrow down the pictures to a reasonable amount, you get to see about a bajillion pictures of the park and our adorable baby.

You’re welcome.

(Okay, so she slept for about a third of the time we were out and about wandering, but we were still pretty sure she loved it.)

(Men with babies are just the most attractive. Hence the reason I just couldn’t narrow down these pics of Matt and Raven…)

 (Raven’s latest trick–blowing drool bubbles, 
which then dribble down her neck and soak any bit of fabric within a four-inch radius)

(Not pictured–the pics I got of an elk that crossed right in front of our car and was within touching distance of my window)

Rocky Mountain National Park, we’re sure glad we made this little pit stop to see you.
Even though we could only drive around in you for about 3 hours,
you were totally worth the $20 entrance fee.

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