
The Calm Before the Storm

It’s about to hit, friends– The Last Week of School. In addition to having a chaotic school schedule this week (like dances and performances and awards shows and such), I have the most insane grading load, despite having spent almost ten hours over the weekend sifting through it. (Spoiler: I barely made a dent, it …

Too Busy For My Liking

Years ago, I thought I thrived under the guise of busy-ness– I overplanned my days, jam-packed my schedule, and found myself frantically running around everywhere because somehow, deep down, it oddly made me feel important. Needed. Productive. Accomplished. Then I got into the whole idea of minimalism and simple living, and I started to cut …


Things Helping Me to Keep My Sanity

The last part of the school year is a rough time, full of end-of-level testing, massive amounts of grading, and a general sense of “can this be over already?” from students and teachers alike. I devoted yet another whole weekend to grading just barely, and I stayed up until past eleven last night grading, too …