There’s a popular book out this year (He Said/She Said) all about a couple who are “eclipse chasers.” I remember that when I first read the premise (I haven’t, for the record, actually read the book yet), I thought to myself, “Why on earth would anyone care sooo much about the eclipse that they’d …
A Photo Dump of the Rest of Easter & Raven’s B-day (aka, the last 2 weekends)
Back when I was still a regular journaler, there would be stretches of time where so much would happen in a small space of time that I felt too overwhelmed to write about it, so I would put it off…and keep putting it off and off and off, until finally, sometimes weeks or even months …
A Weekend of Both Loss and Celebration
I won’t deny that 2017 has been a turbulent year for us so far, full of joyous highs and terrifying lows, sometimes within mere hours of each other. This weekend was another such indicator that our lives can have both joy and sorrow simultaneously living side by side, and it’s been a 96-hour period marked …
(Black & White) Scenes From a Thanksgiving Weekend
I fully intended to do a Thanksgiving post on the actual holiday (or shortly thereafter)–I had packed up the laptop (okay, I’d asked Matt to pack up the laptop), I’d made sure my camera cord was in the case to transfer pictures, and we had plenty of gaps of time without anything planned that …
Our Smallest Friendsgiving Ever
We almost didn’t do Friendsgiving this year. (And, really, it’s not like we were under *too* much pressure to do anything of the sort since we’ve only done it for the past two years, not like for our whole married life or something like that.) This weekend before the actual holiday (which is when we’ve …
5 Happy Things From the Weekend
Considering that the past month’s worth of weekends have been almost nothing but stressful, it was pretty amazing to have a weekend where the stress level was back down to normal (which is borderline low-ish). Here are five happy things from our weekend: 1. The photo shoot I did with my sister and her family …
A Weekend I’ll Be Happy Never to Repeat Again
So. BLEGH. Sigh. Oof. AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!! *runs and grabs Hershey kisses for comfort* Okay, guys— This was just not the best of weekends. Of course, whenever anything bad happens that’s unexpected, my first instinct is to cry, and then that’s usually followed pretty quickly thereafter with gratitude that it wasn’t so much worse. And this weekend …
My First Halloween Costume in 8 Years
Fun fact #1: This is the first time since 2008 that I’ve dressed up for Halloween. Yes, I officially know how lame I am. (And let’s face it—we wouldn’t have done half of the stuff we have (or will) for the holiday if it weren’t for Raven. That’s the glorious thing about having kids– it …