Every fall for the past few years, I’ve done a random round-up of life hacks or other little things that I’ve learned lately. These usually aren’t anything too deep or profound, but they ARE things that have improved my life, productivity, homemaking, ability to keep my house clean, etc. In the comments below, I’d love …
Replicating Swig Drinks at Home (+4 Other Things I’ve Learned Recently)
I promise I haven’t meant to fall off the end of the earth lately — it’s just that apparently getting ready to move, trying to do a bajillion house updates, and taking care of the three kiddos (especially during the week when my husband is staying away from us because he’s still working at the …
Buying a Home is No Joke + 4 Other Things
1. We’ve been fortunate in that we largely feel this home we’re in the process of buying is a really good fit for us and that, in many ways, it does seem that it was “meant to be.” So while my emotions–which usually tend towards anxiety and worry–have been surprisingly at peace throughout the …
Tax Returns, Tantrums + 3 Other Things
1. I’ve always been the type to file my tax return as soon as humanly possible because in the history of me filing taxes, I have always, ALWAYS gotten a return. In years past, Matt and I did various things with our returns— The year we were married, I convinced Matt to use his …
5 Happy Things From the Weekend
Considering that the past month’s worth of weekends have been almost nothing but stressful, it was pretty amazing to have a weekend where the stress level was back down to normal (which is borderline low-ish). Here are five happy things from our weekend: 1. The photo shoot I did with my sister and her family …
Apparently I Look Pregnant + 4 Other Things
Just dropping these Halloween pics in here for fun since I don’t know what else to do with them… And yes, I know Raven’s trick-or-treat bucket is the ghetto-est of ghetto. At least I washed it beforehand, eh? 1. On Sunday, I had a 4-year-old ask me if I was expecting another baby. I’m sure …
Your Obligatory Fall Photo Shoot in the Leaves + 5 Things
I figured I wouldn’t be a real lifestyle blogger at all if I didn’t post some autumn-related pictures in the leaves, so here you go– A peek into our day yesterday (+ 5 other random things on my mind). 1. I think my body’s been trying to put itself into hibernation mode lately because it’s …
A Berry Quick Post
You know life is hectic when I can’t even find time to blog (which I actually desperately want to do but just can’t fit in at the moment). The amount of half-written blog posts I have in my drafts folder is getting to be a bit staggering, actually. So, in honor of making things a …