I started getting more and more into the “minimalism/simple living” movement *just* before it hit mainstream, a year or two before the Internet exploded with posts about how to live slowly and the t.v. started showing couples searching for tiny homes and Marie Kondo showed us all that we should only keep things that spark …
Our Smallest Friendsgiving Ever
We almost didn’t do Friendsgiving this year. (And, really, it’s not like we were under *too* much pressure to do anything of the sort since we’ve only done it for the past two years, not like for our whole married life or something like that.) This weekend before the actual holiday (which is when we’ve …
Scenes from a (Late) Birthday Weekend
When I think of turning 30 years down the road, I’m sure I won’t remember the kitchen gadgets I got, or the fact that we had creamed eggs over toast on the actual day. I won’t remember that for Matt, I bought a book he’d been wanting for awhile and a new cover for his …
A Tale of Two Friends
If our kids’ gibberish could be articulated out into English, this is probably exactly what happened that day in the pool. Ice cream and all.
A Party Worth Driving 4 Hours For
You might remember (since I just posted about it last week) that our good friends moved to a place two hours south of us not too long ago. Well, despite my despair at maybe never seeing them again (okay, only seeing them once or twice a year maybe), my fears have (so far) been unfounded …
Bippity Boppety Boo, We Went to the World’s Smallest Zoo
At first glance, this will seem like a picture-heavy post that lightly pokes fun at the fact that our town’s “zoo” features nothing more exciting than a few squawking peacocks and a couple of monkeys (but I’ll love it forever anyway). In reality, this post is about friendship and saying goodbye and moving on and …
Matt & I Must Have a Problem with Celebrating Early…
Matt and I found out soon after getting married that it can be tricky establishing holiday traditions for ourselves since we live so close to our families. Because our folks live just over an hour’s drive away, we’ve spent all three Thanksgivings and Christmases as a married couple with them. We consider it a …
Staying Up On Friendship
In high school, it seemed like I was almost always the one instigating all the parties—various collections of friends would text me every weekend to see what was going on, and somehow we’d all end up at my mom’s house, playing Risk or watching scary movies or just chatting on the couches in the living room. …