
My birthday was actually back on the 29th, but life has continued to be pretty frantically busy over here. My actual birthday wasn’t too crazy (being on a Sunday), but we ended up going on a picnic hike for the afternoon, which normally would have been the time I had to work on a post. …


Somehow, another birthday has come and gone, and boy, what a year it’s been! I like to do a reflective post around each birthday to look back on the year that’s just passed and to dream and plan and try to anticipate the year ahead. I’m a little late in getting this post out (my …


Each year on my birthday for the past several years, I’ve done a post reflecting on the growth of the previous year and setting intentions for the year ahead. While the intentions and the growth don’t always match up, it’s fascinating to follow along and see that that growth usually DOES come…eventually. For example, in …


35 feels a lot different than 34. I don’t mean physically, of course, but mentally this year when I shifted that number from 34 to 35, it felt momentous—like I immediately felt much older now that I’m halfway through my 30’s, rather than being at the start of them. Every year for the past several …

34th birthday


Another birthday. Another year filled with growth and joy and challenges and triumphs. I might understand all too well what Madeleine L’Engle meant when she referred to this decade of life and motherhood as “the tired 30’s,” but this season feels like such a gift. Yes, even amidst a pandemic. Yes, even with two kids …

Shelter in Place (aka, How We’re Trying to Keep It Together Through This Pandemic)

Hello, world. What have you done over the last week? We’ve had church at home, coordinated with neighbors on Facebook to find out which stores have certain staples in stock (bananas, bread, milk), done an equal amount of stress baking and forgetting to eat (well, just me, anyway), and, oh yeah—-we had an earthquake yesterday. …


I’ve apparently now gotten to the point where I have to start doing calculations from my birth year to make sure I’m telling people my correct age (and I’m not the only one—until I wrote it on his birthday card earlier this week, Matt genuinely thought he was turning 32 rather than 33 this year, …