Lazy Gardening Hacks Learned From Our First Year of Having Our Own Yard/Garden

Here in Northern Utah, the nights are getting COLD, and the days are pretty brisk as well (we’ve been around 45 degrees for a lot of today). As it’s clear that our growing season is quickly coming to a close, and I’ve been harvesting the last of our vegetables and trying to savor the joy …

What Your Photographer REALLY Wishes You Knew Before Taking Family Pictures

Historically, fall has always been (by far) the busiest season for family photographers, at least around here. With the trees bursting into fall colors and the temperatures down to a more comfortable range, autumn has always been the darling of the family photography world. This year marks my fourth year in the world of doing …

How My New Morning Routine is Changing My Life

Why My New Morning Routine Might Just Change My Life Forever

For years I’ve read countless blog posts and magazine articles touting the life-changing magic of set morning routines–from CEOs to famous yogis, prolific writers to politicians, it seemed that everyone was jumping on the morning routine bandwagon, and it made me feel, for awhile, that because my day didn’t start with a green detox smoothie …

Simple Living is About More Than Purging Closets

Simple Living Has to Be About More than Closets and Schedules to Be Fulfilling

Two months ago, I attended a church meeting that has had me pondering its messages ever since. A couple times a year, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints meet together for something called Stake Conference, where all the local congregations of the Church meet in two general sessions over a weekend …

Learning to Embrace Plan B

Every fall for the past three years, we’ve made a yearly tradition of going to a local apple orchard as a family. It was part of The Plan that this tradition would be long-standing and annual, with nothing or no one standing in the way of us getting our yearly cider fix and hundreds (!) …