While I overall LOVE the chance to stay at home (and appreciate it greatly, maybe even more so because I had to work the first year of Raven’s life), there ARE aspects of it that can become a bit wearing after awhile. After going through somewhat of a SAHM identity crisis last year, I …
Baby Animal Days, Take Two
I’ve mentioned before that it’s perhaps best not to get our expectations up too high when it comes to taking our daughter to try new things—while we often expect that she’ll react one way (aka, with unbridled enthusiasm and excitement), she often has the opposite reaction of what we’d want (fear, anxiety, trepidation, uncertainty). …
Ideal Mom Goal: Go Outside Every Day
I have a lot of “Mom Ideals” that I’m constantly trying to live up to: – no screen time while Raven is awake! – fresh produce at every meal! – read books to her whenever she asks! (which is all. the. time.) – have enrichment activities with her each day! While I’m definitely not 100% …
Bippity Boppety Boo, We Went to the World’s Smallest Zoo
At first glance, this will seem like a picture-heavy post that lightly pokes fun at the fact that our town’s “zoo” features nothing more exciting than a few squawking peacocks and a couple of monkeys (but I’ll love it forever anyway). In reality, this post is about friendship and saying goodbye and moving on and …
December Adventure: Elk-Watching and “Sleigh” Rides
Remember when I made a goal a few summers back of planning out some sort of “adventure” every month to ensure that we were continuously trying new things and not getting into the trap of “same ol’, same ol” all the time? No? You don’t remember? Me neither, because it’s been so long since we’ve …