When I stop to think about it, it is staggering how much my life has changed over the past week–
It’s like I’m a completely different person. (No, but really…)
And, since I missed the boat yesterday in doing a throwback Tuesday Tell-All post, I figured I’d update you all a bit on what’s going on around here (and I hope you don’t mind that I’m using these random pictures from our Memorial Day celebrations last week to throw in some random pops of pizzazz here and there since–let’s be honest–I didn’t know what else I was going to do with them):
***First things first, I am no longer a teacher. DUH. I mean, it’s not like I’d been counting down for like 64 days or something stupid like that... But really, this simple little fact is the real catalyst for most of the changes going on around here. Instead of waking up at 5:15 every morning and not being able to see my baby until getting home at 3:15, I wake up around 7, hang out with her all day until Matt gets home from work, and then I actually have energy left over the rest of the time to pursue some of my own interests again.
It’s kind of crazy.
***Speaking of my own interests, I have started to write in my novel again. After taking a six-month break because I didn’t want to overload myself, I’m raring to go on it. And the best part? Yesterday, as I was reading through my draft for the first time since December, I discovered that I’m really quite pleased with it overall instead of tearing it to shreds like I normally do with my writing, which is a good sign. I’d say that all systems are go for me actually completing the first draft of that novel this year, which is one of my biggest new year’s resolutions.
***Matt’s job has now turned into a full-time gig. His bosses offered him more hours about a month ago, but because of our childcare situation, he wasn’t in much of a position to bump them up at the time. Now that I’m home full-time, however, he has started doing the whole 9 – 5 thing, which is new for both of us. While an adjustment, it IS what we have been working towards all along, and I’m so glad that things have worked out so that we can finally see what a “traditional” schedule looks like.
***Getting used to the stay-at-home life again is an adjustment for sure, but it’s a good adjustment. I am now currently in the process of trying to set up a routine for both myself and Raven so that we both can thrive on a bit of structure around here. I’ve already set up my schedule for her first nap of the day (which will be taken up by blogging and/or writing in my novel), and I’m tentatively working out other things, like which days I want to do laundry and go grocery shopping and which household tasks I want to try and get done every single day (and which I can do just once a week or so). Who knew I would be so stinkin’ excited to be a full-time homemaker? (Definitely not my 16-year-old feminist self, I’ll tell you what…)
***This last Sunday, our ward (congregation) boundaries changed, effectively dissolving the ward we’ve pertained to for the last 5+ years. With this change also came the releasing of Matt from his bishopric calling, which is a MAJOR shift in our religious lives (not to mention our Sunday schedules). While beyond grateful for the personal and spiritual growth experienced by both Matt and myself over the past two years as a result of this responsibility, I will say that it will be pretty delightful being able to sit next to him again during Sunday meetings (instead of him being up on the stand).