Let’s just not even pretend anymore that I’m trying even the slightest to get these posts down to 10 photos because…I’m not. (And you know that if I ever do, I’ll be bragging for weeks about it, so maybe it’s better this way.)
But if you’re here, it’s to see adorable photos of my adorable kid, so I guess that strict adherence to ten photos on the tenth day of the month isn’t really an issue for you either, eh?
Sure, let’s go with that.

3// Because babies in overlarge hats need to have pictures taken of them. Lots and lots of pictures.
4// Since we can’t leave the house in a car, we’ve been taking walks. Lots and lots and lots of walks. (In the good news department, I thought I would have a really hard time getting 10,000 steps a day when I stopped teaching. Uh, NOPE. In fact, I’m getting even more steps now since walking is literally my only form of transportation at the moment.)
5// Meet the two sides of Raven => The Angel and the Mischief.
6// Still saying prayers of joy that she got her daddy’s long eyelashes (which only seem to get longer and longer and darker and darker…)
7// Look what I put in the box, Mom! (Everything that was in the recycling, all the time.)
8// Still likes to go to bed swaddled. Yeah, that habit is not being broken anytime soon.
9// We decided that Raven can even make pioneer-ish dresses look adorable (especially because it’s kind of hilarious to watch her try and stand up without tripping on the hem…don’t worry, she doesn’t actually fall…)
10// Some of Raven’s favorite things–the old pink doll that used to be mine, and her pink “Wubby” given to her by my sister. It’s a relief that the doctor has now given her the okay to sleep with a small stuffed toy now since she refuses to be parted with her “Wubs” without shedding huge “crocodile tears” (as my mom calls them).