Turning 26 looks like:
*Trying out a new-to-us Mexican restaurant when my sister and brother-in-law come into town
*Getting new white USU shirts to show our Aggie pride
*Watching our beloved Aggies stomp UNLV
*Spending time with the man I love (who got me that new season of Big Bang Theory I’ve been just dying to get).
Not pictured:
*Playing Settlers of Catan until way too late because it’s not often we have enough people to play with
*Gorging ourselves on Aggie ice cream (the BEST ice cream in the world, next to Leatherby’s)
*Opening up presents every day for three days (Big Bang, a magazine rack for the bathroom–which is more for Matt’s sanity than anything else, and my very own yoga mat)
*Getting showered with love from my 7th graders as they filed in with Diet Dr. Pepper, assorted chocolate bars, and handwritten notes/cards. And don’t forget all the impromptu singings of Happy Birthday. Birthdays are a BIG DEAL to 13-year-olds. Even their teacher’s.
*Buying no fewer than SIX dvd’s with some of my birthday money
*Feeling how very loved I am by my family, friends, neighbors, and students. I feel so blessed to have you all in my life!
Thanks for a great birthday 🙂