Tuesday Tell-All

*I decided that I might just live with my hair in a topknot all summer long. For a long time, I was too self-conscious to wear my hair pulled back (partly due to the fact that an old ex-boyfriend once told me that he found me unattractive with my hair in a ponytail. Obviously I …


Memorial Day Weekend

Matt and I just made it back to Logan after spending the perfect Memorial Day weekend with our families in Bountiful. It was everything the weekend should have been: We paid our respects to our departed loved ones, and we heard about how my grandma visited the cemetery every year with her family growing up …

Book #10: Persuasion

Title: PersuasionAuthor: Jane Austen# of Pages: 150Genre: Classic/Romance When I was a bit younger, I was in the habit of reading anywhere from 5-15 books at the same time. Basically my system was that I had a different book for every room of the house: I had a book in each bathroom, 2-3 books by …

Thoughts On Being Rich

I’ve been thinking a lot about this subject recently; in fact, I had a minor panic attack the other night (not literally, but yeah) because I couldn’t seem to stop thinking about money. Even though the fact that I actually got a teaching job has brought on an enormous amount of relief, it did, however, make things …


My First Teaching Job!!!

Well, it’s happened–even though the teaching job market looked incredibly bleak and I had almost given up hope, I did end up interviewing with three different schools and actually got job offers from all three. So the past few days have been filled with pros and cons lists and a lot of soul-searching, but I …

Weekend With Chelsee

Since Matt and I live in a small-ish valley about an hour and a half away from family and where we both grew up, we often aren’t graced with much company. However, occasionally some of our friends from Bountiful (or elsewhere) will take mercy on us in our lonely and forgotten married state and come …