This Week’s Done List:
*Tried calamari and stuffed mushrooms for the first time (and liked them!)
*Finished writing my thank-you notes. Yes, you read that right: after six months of procrastination and guilt-tripping and fussing over it, I finally finished writing the last of the thank-you’s. It’s probably the most significant thing I’ve accomplished in these six months of marriage.
*Taught two full-period lessons to real, live high school students
*Cleaned our bedroom for the first time since moving in. Let me clarify: this is the first time our room has been clean, organized, and free of random boxes since our wedding. This is probably the second most significant accomplishment since we got married.
*Tried out a new slow cooker recipe
*Practiced Chopin’s “Nocturne” for an hour while Matt was at work
*Did not complain (too much) about the first snowfall of the year
Still to do:
*Take pictures of aforementioned first snowfall (or maybe the third or fourth snowfall) for our next Photo Walk (hopefully Matt is feeling better soon so that we can)
*Buy stamps so we can actually mail out the thank-you notes
*Write my post about last month’s Change It Up Challenge
*Write my post about this month’s Change It Up Challenge
So much to do, so short of a week…