snapshot of my life today
Day in the Life, Flower Farm, Snapshot of Today, Stay-At-Home-Motherhood

A Snapshot of My Life Today 6/21/21

rocking my new favorite overalls today

I thought I’d do a little old school blogging today because I’ve missed doing stuff like this. I did a couple of other posts using the prompts below in the past, and I want to get in the habit of doing these again just for fun!

If you want to play along, you can copy the prompts below and post it as a comment here on this post or on your own blog/social media, and then just remember to tag me so I can see it!

Note: There are affiliate links to products and books mentioned below, which means I may get a small commission on any purchases made through those links.

A Snapshot Of My Life Today

Time I woke up: 6:30 a.m., to my alarm
First thing I did upon waking: after a quick prayer and trip to the bathroom, I headed outside with my floral snips (I own and love this pair) to go out and harvest cut flowers from our farm for the bouquets going out today
Current weather: Hot and dry. We’ve been in the middle of a drought for what feels like forever, and we’re ALSO in the middle of a heat wave. My flowers are NOT happy (well, unless you count the zinnias).

CSA bouquets that went out today

Last 3 things I read (not on the Internet): The kids got their Bookroo box in the mail today, so I read those two books to them – If Animals Said I Love You and Cleonardo (both adorable) — and then of my own books, I’ve been reading Second Nature by Michael Pollan, which I got for a steal last weekend on Kindle.
Last website I visited: My Gmail account
Last show I watched: part of an old rerun of Love It or List It during snacktime
Last thing I said: “What’s going on in there, kiddos?” (the boys were being crazy and bonked heads)
Last out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened: I didn’t have enough filler for the bouquets going out today, so I had to go out and forage for some around the countryside. Lucky for me, I found a few different wildflowers that looked amazing. Unluckily for me, one of them (Indian hemp) ended up being highly toxic, which meant I was frantically trying to scrub all the leaky sap it had oozed all over me off of my hands and then googling how poisonous it was if accidentally ingested (since I’d rubbed my mouth with the back of my hand and then tasted it on my lips). Needless to say, I didn’t use any of THAT in the bouquets, and I’m assuming that if it takes at least 15 grams of the stuff to poison a cow, I’ll be okay with just the tiniest taste. Just a typical day in the life of a flower farmer, eh?
Last thing I ate: chocolate chip cookie and a Diet Dr. Pepper — #snackofchampions

banana chocolate chip muffins for breakfast (with cold cereal)

Current whereabouts of other members of household: The 3 kids are all in the front room jamming out on the piano and running around, relishing in the fact that there’s so much space to run because we just cleaned it up entirely today. They’ve completely opened up the front curtains so they can more easily glimpse the second that Daddy gets home from work. (Matt, coincidentally, is on his way home.)
What I was doing an hour ago: delivering two bouquets to one of my CSA members (CSA stands for community-supported agriculture, and in our case, it’s where people pay upfront at the beginning of the growing season for a certain number of bouquets to be delivered throughout the next few months.)
What I’ll be doing an hour from now: Cleaning up from dinner, maybe folding some laundry
One thing I should be crossing off my to-do list today: I just started doing the FlyLady cleaning method, and tonight I’ll be crossing off the to-do list item of clearing some boxes out of our master closet that shouldn’t be there

What I plan to have for dinner tonight: penne alfredo with steamed broccoli (which is cooking right now)

Current state of the house — not perfect, but not bad

If you’re feeling in the mood to try doing one of these yourself, I’ve copied down the prompts below for you to use! (Just make sure to link back to me so I can see the post!)

(post a picture of yourself right now)
Time I woke up:
First thing I did upon waking:
Current weather:

(post a picture of one thing you’ve done so far)
Last 3 things I read (not on the Internet):
Last website I visited:
Last show I watched:
Last thing I said:
Last out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened:
(post picture of something you’ve eaten today)
Last thing I ate:
Current whereabouts of other members of household:
What I was doing an hour ago:
What I’ll be doing an hour from now:
One thing I should be crossing off my to-do list today:
(post a picture of your home/apartment/room/location right now)

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