Okay, I’ll Bite: 2013 in Review

The blogosphere has been overflowing with “year in review” posts—-people reflecting on new houses bought, babies born, college graduations attended, trips to Europe, yada yada yada. I’m usually not one to participate in such posts—I mean, even just reading about some people’s years makes me feel a little inadequate because we haven’t exactly reached some …


Day of Reckoning: 2013 Goals

As the excited buzzing of a new year approaches, new resolutions are being made left and right everywhere I look (mostly, it seems, due to overindulgence by the population at largeĀ over the long holiday). And while I myself am gearing up for a new year filled with new goals, I can’t very well move forward …


Santa Always Comes Early At Our Place

I’ve mentioned this on here before, but Matt and I do Christmas a little strangely—since we typically spend Christmas Day not at home (instead, we’re down in Bountiful with our parents and siblings), we always do “our” Christmas for each other a few days before the actual holiday. This year, our Christmas hit especially early—Saturday …