I’d planned to do a big, fancy-pants write-up of our Christmas this year (honestly, more for my sake than for anyone else’s), but then I got knocked flat on my back by the flu, which meant that I spent Christmas hacking it up and the day after Christmas barely able to move, watching old seasons of Biggest Loser while a humidifier blew up my nose.
I’m not sure if I’ve ever spent Christmas sick before, but it’s not exactly a route that I’d recommend.
The good news is that most of our Christmas festivities happened before the actual holiday this year, so I was still able to participate fully (or nearly so) in my family’s gift exchange, Matt’s extended family’s big party, and in my mom’s traditional “Jerusalem dinner/movie night” that we do every Christmas Eve.
Although the sickness definitely put a bit of a damper on our holiday, I still tried to soak it all in the best that I could, especially because we have no idea where we’ll be next year; I mean, we could be living in the exact same place or be somewhere halfway across the country, so I’m trying to soak in all this family time that’s been able to come so easily for us since we still live so close.
I’m still not feeling exactly up to snuff (I was devastated that I had to miss my morning run yesterday, especially since I’m trying to still figure out my Garmin GPS running watch that I got that I already LOVE), but I’m still going to try and make it out to Layton today to spend some time with my dad before he has to head back out to Missouri.
Have you ever been sick on Christmas?