First item on the list: opening the stockings.
Funny story: so I was figuring we’d fill each other’s stockings, right? Well turns out, Matt’s Santa had different ideas in mind. When I came home from work on Thursday night, all prepared to start stuffing, I discovered that his stocking was somehow already stuffed full. Even funnier still? Both of our “Santas” got the same things for him (Magic cards and movies, luckily not the same ones). In fact, Matt’s Santa had done such a good job stuffing his stocking that some of his gifts had to be re-routed to go under the tree, and one of them even ended up in my stocking. Weird. Santa sure is getting forgetful, considering he visited Matt twice. Matt didn’t seem to mind though.
When all was said and done, we came away with a LOT of movies and a LOT of food. And Matt got me two things I’ve been really needing: a new memory card for my camera and a cooking thermometer.
It’s been ages since I’ve enjoyed a Christmas so very much. And the best part was: we still had two more days after all this to enjoy Christmas even more!
Hope you all had a beautiful Christmas with your own loved ones, and that y’all have a happy new year!