Tuesday Tell-All

*Well, we’re about a month or two later than everyone else, but spring has finally come to Logan, Utah! Luckily for me, my allergies this season haven’t been too horrendous (although I’ve had a wicked sore throat all week—can allergies cause that?) *Matt and I took these pictures in front of the Logan Temple on …


A Different Spin on the Date Night In

For any of you who are married or who have been in a serious relationship for a long time, you probably understand the appeal of the date night in, while at the same time recognizing that it can quickly become code for “you hop on the computer while I watch t.v.,” which can become stale …

Youth Cookoff

There’s no denying it–being the president of the young women’s organization definitely keeps me on my toes. Sometimes I feel like I’m making a mistake or forgetting something about every other week. But then, on nights like tonight, I know that I have the best calling there is. For a few months now, we’ve been …

50 Weeks to Organized: Extension

  Well, I knew it would happen eventually—a week when I would need an extension on the organization project. This week, between starting end-of-level testing with my students and heading up a major activity for the youth in my ward tomorrow, I have not had time to think about washing my hair, much less organizing my …

Tuesday Tell-All

*It’s a sign you’ve been blogging too long when you all of a sudden you develop this weird obsession with cool red barns by your house *just because you think they would be the perfect backdrop for a picture on a Sunday stroll.* *(blogger nerd alert!) *P.S. Do you like Matt’s outfit? He only changes …

Parents and Pasta

Yesterday I had to speak in church, so my mom and stepdad drove up from Bountiful to come support me (or maybe throw tomatoes). I ended up not writing my talk until about 45 minutes before I gave it because I was down in Bountiful on Friday and Saturday for the UGA Family History Fair …