*Today marks two years exactly from the day when Matt and I got engaged. He proposed to me after the MoTab Christmas concert, in the parking lot of our favorite Leatherby’s. It was a rainy and romantic night, and I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling since. Love you, honey!
*For any girl who has been engaged, remember how you can’t stop looking down at your ring every two seconds and admiring it? Well, I still find myself doing that a lot. Especially when I’m zoning out in class while my kids are silently working on something. I actually still get quite a few comments from people about how much they like it, which makes me happy. All I know is that I wanted something small and that didn’t stick out too far or cost a lot of money, and we ended up finding the perfect ring. (In case you’re curious, there’s a picture of my ring here).
*I have the most wicked sore throat today. I guess that’s what happens when you find yourself singing for almost an hour straight on Sunday, and then you follow it up with the continuous reading aloud of A Christmas Carol in your classes. Basically I’m in crunch mode–I’m supposed to finish the book by this Friday, but we’re just about two-thirds through (and it’s taken us a month to get to this point). So basically I’m just straight up reading to my kids for the entire hour every day this week. Luckily, most of them seem to really like it. Or at least tolerate it without complaint.
*So I’m teaching a study skills class, and you know what I’ve figured out? I’m not a good pusher. By that, I mean I’m not good at forcing people to do stuff they really don’t want to do. I’ll try to help the students to see the importance of it and all, and I try to maintain the most efficient workplace I can, but in the end, if they’re just going to sit there and only work when I walk by and remind them to, I don’t push it. Not my style. So, if you’re a pusher, you should give me some tips.
*I’ve desperately wanted to go out running for a couple weeks now, but it seems that every time I’m generally motivated to do so, I get sick. What is up with that?
*Speaking of being kind of sick, I had a kid in my 5th hour who asked me yesterday, “Why did you change your voice? It sounds funny.” Everybody else in the class got a kick out of it. I just growled at him like a man-beast. Just kidding.
*Even though I’ve been trying semi-valiantly to eat more vegetables and fruits (a minimum of 35 a week, a goal I’ve been gloriously failing at), I think I might have to hold off on keeping myself accountable for that particular goal until January. I mean really—every single day, I have a faculty room loaded with fudges and cheese balls and cookies and things filled with cream. What’s a girl to do?
*Reason #1393 for why it’s awesome to be a teacher: apparently, a lot of your students will bring in Christmas gifts for you. Not a day has gone by this week that I haven’t received stuff. It’s pretty much amazing, and it makes me feel like I should be on my best behavior all the time.
*Speaking of gifts from students, one girl wrote me a little note thanking me for everything I’ve taught her, and then she writes, “And P.S. thank you for giving me a four on my book project.” Bless her heart–saying it like that makes it seem like I only give 4’s to my favorites or something.
*Which I don’t. Just to clarify.
*Speaking of favorites, all the 7th grade math classes made waffles with the students today to teach them about fractions. I read aloud to my students for almost 55 minutes straight. Yeah, math definitely won out as the favorite class for the day.
*And I didn’t even get a waffle. Sad deal.
*I finished Life of Pi the other night, and I’m super excited to post about it. Has anyone gone to see that movie yet? Is it any good?
*Truth: I have only done half of my Christmas shopping. And most of that shopping was done on Black Friday. I’ve avoided most stores like the plague ever since. Are you finished with yours? Please say no, so I can feel less like a slacker. Procrastinators love company, you know–it helps us in our rationalization process.
*Okay, I’m heading outta here (I’m at the school, currently). Hope you have a stellar Tuesday filled with lots of ridiculously exciting happenings.
Peace out.