Fun With Friends

Kickoff to Birthday Week

 Wanna know the funnest part about having a birthday five days apart from your spouse?

Starting the birthday celebrating early and ending it late.

By this I mean that we can stretch out all the parties and presents and it’s-my-birthday-bring-me-chocolate excuses to last ourselves almost two weeks.

It’s basically awesome.

This year, we kicked off celebrating Matt’s birthday (which is actually today) on Saturday by going bowling with our friends Jon and Emily.

Every time we go bowling, we always say to each other, “We need to go bowling WAY more often.”


Because by the time we’ve re-taught ourselves how to bowl like decent human beings, the second game is almost over.

See that cute couple up there?

What this picture doesn’t tell you is that Emily beat husband Jon for the very first time ever in our second game.

It may or may not had something to do with the fact that I was trash talking for her the whole game.

(I’d like to see anyone bowl well while I am chanting, “FEAR” over and over again behind their back)

Afterwards, the Shipleys were sweet enough to treat us to a delicious homemade dinner of ham-fried rice and eggdrop soup, which were so amazing that I tried to replicate them myself the next day.

I still think theirs was better.

And what’s a birthday without a made-from-scratch, dripping-with-chocolatey-goodness-and-calories cake, right? (Don’t forget to accidentally top it with one trick candle for extra fun!)

Happy birthday, sweetheart! I hope you have the greatest day ever and that you don’t eat all the Oreos I gave you in one sitting.

(Although if you do, I can’t get mad under the protection of Birthday Clause #17, which states that the birthday person is legally allowed to forego all his/her usual healthy habits for 24 hours or until the end of the birthday celebrations, whichever is longer.)

Here’s to the big 2-6, you handsome man, you!!

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