*After months of sweat, toil, and constant vigilance (largely on the part of Matt, let’s be honest), our own little cosmos plants have grown and flourished from the tiny seeds they once were. Isn’t that magical? Of course, it’s nothing short of a miracle that they’re not all dead, considering that Matt and I kept …

Here’s What’s Cooking . . . Crescent Rolls
Are you sick of roll recipes? I sure am not. It’s like I have this crazy roll addiction that seems to come around every Sunday, just begging to be satisfied… Anyway, I found this recipe in The Food Nanny Rescues Dinner, and it is amazing (I think Matt ate 8 or 9 rolls the first …
Mom Taught Me…To Ask
Mom taught me to never be shy about asking–for a discount, for the manager, or for a better deal. Lesson learned, mother: I scored all the stuff above for just over $23, just because I asked for an educator discount. Boo-yoy. (Why yes, I WILL be showing excerpts from Girls Just Want to Have Fun …
Book #15: The Hobbit
Title: The HobbitAuthor: J. R. R. Tolkien# of Pages: 275Genre: Fantasy So I’m keeping up pretty well on my bet with Matt, as you can see (and he has actually started to keep his end of the deal too, so it looks like Fellowship, here I come!). And I will admit that it is rather convenient that this …
Girls’ Camp 2012
Well, I survived girls’ camp. I wish I could say I came away without burns or bruises, but that wouldn’t be exactly true. I promise you I wore sunscreen, and plenty of it. But it didn’t matter. Oh well–I love hanging out in my 85-degree apartment with burns all over my knees and neck and …
Pioneer Day Festivities
K, so I know Pioneer Day isn’t ’til next week. But I’m not going to be here, remember? I’m going to be having about as much fun as I can handle at girls’ camp. Luckily for me, Bountiful City was kind enough to oblige me with lots of Pioneer Day festivities the whole weekend before the …
Tuesday Tell-All
*I think I was warned about the Meidells and math long before Matt and I were ever married. But oh, how ignorant I was on how deep the hatred really runs, and how there’s nothing like a complicated math word problem that gets a Meidell’s blood boiling, and fast. *I tell you this because we …
Book #14: Total Money Makeover
Title: The Total Money MakeoverAuthor: Dave Ramsey# of Pages: 223Genre: Personal Finance I don’t know how other couples handle their finances, but Matt and I like to talk often and openly about everything going on with our money. We like to dream, we I like to worry, and we have yet to get in a …