K, so I know Pioneer Day isn’t ’til next week. But I’m not going to be here, remember? I’m going to be having about as much fun as I can handle at girls’ camp.
Luckily for me, Bountiful City was kind enough to oblige me with lots of Pioneer Day festivities the whole weekend before the fact.
Now, I’ve been through some Pioneer Days in my time (twenty-five to be exact), but this year marked some pretty cool firsts for me:
*The first time that I helped somebody pick ALL the plums off of their tree,
*The first time that I took family names that I personally had found to the temple (SUCH a cool experience for me! Maybe I’ll post more on my awesome family history stuff later)
*The first time Matt tried his hand at wood-burning (sadly, not the first time that I’ve taken pictures of myself in the car when bored),
*The first time I’ve ever seen anyone sleep like this (have you ever seen anything weirder?!),
*The first time I went to go see the preview concert of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s Pioneer Day concert (also awesome!),
*The first time going to the Bountiful Parade with my handsome hubby (we couldn’t make it last year),
*The first time we took advantage of the little kids selling popcicles along the parade route (thanks to my sister-in-law Chris for buying for everyone!),
*And finally, the first (and last time, most likely) that I saw over 2,000 young men dressed up as the stripling warriors from this scriptural story. Seriously, this was one of the craziest/most awe-inspiring sights I’ve ever seen. I got goosebumps and everything.
*Anyone else catch the Bountiful Parade? What did you think?