*This picture perfectly sums up my idea of what spring break should look like: a little sugar, a little health, and a little brainwork. And of course, the whole lovely scene took place in our sunny kitchen in the quiet of late afternoon. Perfect!
*Just to clarify, I didn’t get the university’s spring break this year–I got the middle school’s. Hence the reason why I’m in the middle of mine right now when Matt’s was a month ago. But still: a whole week blissfully free from major responsibility (minus applying for jobs). Hurrah!
*Most of my “brainwork” for the week was frontloaded, as I spent most of the day yesterday trying to knock several things off of my monstrous to-do list. Before making a delicious German pancake monstrosity for dinner, I was able to apply to the second out of three school districts, visit a friend, go to the bank, go to the grocery store, do my couponing, actually make my to-do list, and catch up on some Conference. Not to mention do the dishes, watch Once Upon a Time, and play multiple games of Spider Solitaire. I get tired just thinking about it.
*I am *kinda* proud of myself for something, although I think I would have been proud of myself either way. So I have $25 in Rewards cards to Old Navy, and I have a $10 off of $50 coupon. Therefore, I could have gone to Old Navy and gotten $50 worth of stuff for $15, which I planned to do. So I skip out the door this afternoon while Matt was moaning over his math homework, and y’all should be amazed: I actually didn’t buy anything–I came home with empty hands. Now, considering that I am a walking advertisement for Old Navy on any given day, this is really quite a feat. But I guess I shouldn’t be too proud of myself because if I had actually found enough things that I liked for that much, I totally would have done it. But alas–since Old Navy has redone their look, I have found that not as many of their styles scream out my name and tell me to buy them. Oh well. It’s probably for the best.
*If I’m a little wordy, it’s because I just woke up from a 45-minute nap, in which I was dreaming about Great Expectations and trying to impersonate Dickens. Just so you know.
*Thank goodness for the undo button–I somehow just deleted everything, but then I got it back. I bet you were all as worried as I was.
*Matt and I keep hoping that he’ll got off work early enough one of these nights so that we can catch The Hunger Games movie before the weekend crowd sets in. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like tonight will be the night. Have you seen it? What did you think?
*We were able to borrow a pump so that we could finally get Matt’s bike pumped up and ready to go, and I was able to ride it just briefly today. It was AMAZING–wind in my hair, sun at my back, the mail key in my hand… I’ve really got to get me my own little road bike one of these years.
*There’s this huge book warehouse that just opened up by our house that has hundreds and hundreds of used books for $1 apiece. Methinks that that will be my playground tomorrow.
*My stepdad insisted on buying us the really amazing (really expensive) extra-sharp Tillamook cheese on our Costco run last Saturday (along with several other things). There should be mountains named after that cheese.
*One downside about spring break is that I don’t get the pleasure of being entertained by my students every day; I really didn’t realize how much of the humor in my life is derived from being around them. Is it sad that I miss them?
*Well, I’d best go discover what it is we’ll be having for dinner. I got me some stew meat, beef broth, and various vegetable-like odds and ends, so we shall see.
Hope you have a wonderful, almost-Easter week!