*Bright spot in my day: getting a reply email from my favorite high school English teacher. I haven’t spoken to her in almost 6 years, and she knew just what to say to alleviate my doubts and concerns about student teaching. Thank the world for inspired teachers!
*We made the most delicious chicken and tomato stromboli last night–I still can’t believe how delicious it turned out, considering how I just kinda threw it together and made some of my own substitutions on the ingredients. With sides of homemade alfredo sauce and a fresh fruit salad, Matt and I were happy, not-so-starving students last night
*Matt’s birthday is this Saturday. Is it weird that I’m more excited for his birthday than for mine??
*Whatever happened to full-length chocolate Charleston Chews? I miss them.
*I was all excited because we finally got our drinking fountain put back in at work after the fire destroyed the last one that I loved so much (seeing as I visited it every 15 minutes). The sad thing? The water tastes NASTY. I can’t even stand it. So I’m still on my Dr. Pepper streak, unfortunately. With no end in sight.
*My other job kicks in this week, which means I go from being a full-time student working 32 hours a week to being a full-time student working 45 hours a week. Everyone send encouraging thoughts my way…
*Today I look like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz due to my hair being in twisted-down pigtails.
*I hate talking on the phone. And I’m a secretary. All I’ve done today at work is call people up on the phone and ask for tax-exempt forms. Is it a sign of my lack of maturity that I have to pump myself up before making every call?
*Speaking of calls, I promised y’all I’d tell you what calling I got. *drumroll please* You are all looking at (or looking at the words of)…the new Relief Society secretary. I’m pretty excited about it, since it’s totally something new and I love Relief Society. So I’m pretty happy. Other than the fact that I have no idea how I’ll be able to juggle it all…
*Okay, it’s Dr. Pepper time. Otherwise I’m going to fall asleep on these bid plans littering my desk…