My life as a bookkeeper has lots of lulls…sometimes hours and hours of sitting at a desk, staring at the phone, willing it to ring while at the same time hoping that it won’t. To pass the time more enjoyably, I’ve tried numerous tactics: studying cookbooks (yes, I do actually study cookbooks), finishing the wedding …
Pioneer Day Weekend
For those of you not from Utah, every 24th of July most Utahns get a vacation from work in honor of Pioneer Day (to celebrate the arrival of the Mormon pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley in 1847). It’s pretty much the best holiday ever, complete with parades, barbecues, fireworks, and pioneer fairs all across …

Wedding Wednesday: How It All Began
Okay, so remember how I was supposed to post all these wedding pictures and stuff? Well, obviously I haven’t done that yet. So, to give myself a kick in the pants to get going, I decided to copy Sam, who copied the people she mentioned in her first WW post, who probably copied some other …
Tuesday Tell-All
*Remember my cute little His/Hers garden post a couple weeks back? Well, depressingly & inexplicably, half of my container garden now lies dead, despite numerous waterings & fertilizer sprayings. So we’ll just pretend that this picture is of my own container garden, although it most definitely is not. *I amazingly did not gain weight over …
Change It Up Vacation
Due to the fire at my work (check out the short article The Herald Journal did on it here) and also to the upcoming Pioneer Day holiday weekend, there will be no Change It Up Challenge post for this last week (although I did try out something new—I just haven’t had the time to blog …
Here’s What’s Cooking: Tuna Pasta Casserole
One of my favorite websites I’ve discovered to help me along in my weight loss goals is, which not only offers free coupons (yay!), but also offers hundreds of “healthified” versions of America’s favorite comfort foods. Since Matt and I were getting a little sick of just eating ground beef and chicken as our …
This is the Kind of Thing that Happens to Somebody Else…
Bet you homemade brownies that your last 24 hours were nothing like mine, nor will they (probably) ever be. Because, my friends, it seems that this is the kind of stuff that only happens to somebody else: “This” referring to getting a call just as you’re getting out of your zumba class telling you that …
Tuesday Tell-All
Since last week’s Tell-All worked so well to clear my head of all the random junk that just floats across it, I decided to just continue the tradition. I know, you’re all so excited to hear the randomness that is my thought process. So here I go: *Matt and I are re-addicted to The Biggest …