
Pioneer Day Weekend

For those of you not from Utah, every 24th of July most Utahns get a vacation from work in honor of Pioneer Day (to celebrate the arrival of the Mormon pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley in 1847). It’s pretty much the best holiday ever, complete with parades, barbecues, fireworks, and pioneer fairs all across …

Tuesday Tell-All

*Remember my cute little His/Hers garden post a couple weeks back? Well, depressingly & inexplicably, half of my container garden now lies dead, despite numerous waterings & fertilizer sprayings. So we’ll just pretend that this picture is of my own container garden, although it most definitely is not. *I amazingly did not gain weight over …

Tuesday Tell-All

Since last week’s Tell-All worked so well to clear my head of all the random junk that just floats across it, I decided to just continue the tradition. I know, you’re all so excited to hear the randomness that is my thought process. So here I go: *Matt and I are re-addicted to The Biggest …