Weekly Writing – Concrete

Back when I was still in creative writing classes, we did an idea that was something like this: take any regular, ordinary, “boring” topic and write an informal essay on it (not the stuffy, dry kind of essay that we all got assigned in middle school–the kind of essay that just gives you the liberty …


Faithful Reader Giveaway!!

Hey everyone! In honor of my 200th post on Autodidactic Ambitions (that would be this post, mind you), I am going to be the oh-so-generous person that I am and give away a $15 gift certificate to Amazon.com to one lucky reader of Autodidactic Ambitions. All you have to do to enter is:1. Follow this blog2. …

Change It Up: Audiobooks

Some of you may be wondering how a book-a-holic like me hasn’t managed to try out audiobooks yet. Well, I’ll give you three reasons: (1) expensive, (2) I’m a faster reader than they are, and (3) I didn’t want to get so distracted by a thrilling story that I end up back-ending the car in front …