A couple weeks back, I ordered the book I Dare Me off of Amazon, which is the true story of how Lu Ann Cahn, a woman in her mid-fifties who was feeling officially stuck in a rut, changed her life entirely by making herself try something new every single day for a year. (Side …
Change It Up Challenge: Going More Vegetarian, But Not
I don’t know what started it, really–maybe it was the fact that we were eating greasy pizza a lot more often, or the fact that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had more than about 2 vegetables in a day. But whatever the cause was, the result was clear: I realized I needed to …
Change It Up Report: A Clean Home
I don’t even know where to start with this report. I’ve been putting it off for so long because (let’s be honest) I was waiting for my house to be clean before I actually reported on how I’d done at cleaning it more often/better. It looks like that might not happen before the end of the …
Change It Up Challenge: Extension
Well folks, I had good intentions. Really, I did. And I wasn’t doing too bad on my goals for last month’s Change It Up Challenge either–I was finally getting into some daily habits that really were starting to make a difference in the cleanliness and organization of our home. Then distaster struck: Roaches. In our …
Change It Up Challenge (Nov): Cleaning
Picture taken from http://organizingsolutions.info I come from a very clean family–one of my Dad’s first memories of me is when I mopped up my own juice spill when I was two years old (which I’m sure I learned from watching my mother, who is the cleanest person I know). Unfortunately, that go-getter attitude …
Change It Up Report (Oct): Exercise
(picture from fabfitsquad.com) Last month’s Change-It-Up Challenge was all about learning to incorporate exercise into a (very) busy lifestyle. During the summer, I got into the habit of going to the gym just about every single day; it was relatively easy, because I would just go right after work (around 5:30) and get back …
A Little Change in Change It Up
Hey, all you readers out there (wherever it is that you are!). So, in light of my being stressed out more often than not this semester, I have decided to do a much-needed change in my Change-It-Up Challenges. As some of you might have noticed (please tell me someone has, just so I know that …
Change It Up – Birthday Hair Chop
Here’s the best birthday gift to myself: a much-needed chopping of the superfluous 7 inches of hair hanging off my head. Plus a fun dye job. What do you think?