Hey, all you readers out there (wherever it is that you are!). So, in light of my being stressed out more often than not this semester, I have decided to do a much-needed change in my Change-It-Up Challenges. As some of you might have noticed (please tell me someone has, just so I know that people actually read these), I have not been very faithful at posting a CIU Challenge every week like I used to.
The fact is, I just don’t have the time to be trying out new things because, well, I barely have time to do anything nowadays. I’m sure you’ve noticed that my cooking posts have mostly fallen by the wayside, my “check out what we did” posts have been limited to holidays and birthdays, and my 50 book challenge seems to have become almost obsolete within the last two months.
But, before I get anyone too disappointed, I am NOT stopping my CIU Challenges: I am just going to revise my focus. Before, I was trying to do one challenge a week (which was great and all), but I found that when I did actually find something new that I really wanted to get semi-good at before I posted (like yoga or couponing), it took a lot longer than one week to really try it out.
So the change is this: instead of doing weekly Change It Up Challenge posts, I will be doing monthly posts based around one “theme.” For example, you’ll notice that all of my CIU posts from last month were all about beauty (bold lipstick, new haircut, different hairstyles, etc.). Well, this month, my challenge to myself is Exercise/Wellness.
As my woeful post from Thursday pointed out, I’ve been bemoaning the fact that I don’t go to the gym every day like I used to. So this month, I’m all about changing it up health-wise. I’ll give you a hint of one part of the challenge that I’ve already tried out: it involves Matt’s birthday present (no, not the Oreos).
Also, with this new format of Change It Up, I’ll also be open to taking suggestions of things I should try out or tips that y’all have.
So, if you’re willing to help a girl out, leave me a little note below. Heaven knows I’ll need some help this month to get my butt back into gear.
Some questions I’ve been thinking about:
-What new forms of exercise can I incorporate into my busy lifestyle so that I don’t get bored with the same old routine?
-For all you busy people out there (yes, I’m pretty sure that refers to all of you), what tips do you have for incorporating health and fitness into your daily life?
-Got any good motivational quotes or pictures that will keep me going when the going gets tough?
Thank you all, and hope you’re all having a lovely weekend!!