Title: Honey, Baby, SweetheartAuthor: Deb CalettiFinished: 2/10/11Pages: 308 I knew that after the heaviness of Love in the Time of Cholera, I needed something fluffy–“candy reading,” I call it. A pleasure book. Of course, even despite all that, I normally would never go for a YA book that had a cover like this; it just …
Change It Up – Yoga
My first change-it-up challenge was easy: two weeks ago, I joined USU’s Fun Fit Forever Club, which basically just grants me access to all sorts of different exercise classes offered throughout the week. As anyone that knows me well has heard, yoga and I have not had the healthiest relationship in the past–I always complained …
The “Change It Up” Challenge!
St Francis and the Sow By Galway Kinnell The budstands for all things, even for those things that don’t flower, for everything flowers, from within, of self-blessing: though sometimes it is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness, to put a hand on its brow of the flower and retell it in words and in …
Book #3 – Love in the Time of Cholera
Book: Love in the Time of CholeraAuthor: Gabriel Garcia MarquezFinished: 2/6/11 Marquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera is the story of Florentino Ariza, a poetic, solemn young man bedazzled by the charms and beauty of the well-connected Fermina Daza. After months in their youth of exchanging hundreds of love letters back and forth, Fermina …
Photo Walk – WB Pond
A few weeks back while back at home in Bountiful, Matt and I took advantage of some of the late-January sun to go pay a visit to West Bountiful Pond, which I had never seen. We liked the spot so much that we’re planning on taking some of our engagement photos here in a few …
Book #2 – Other People’s Children
Reading books like this makes me glad that my education forces me to pick up books I wouldn’t even know existed otherwise. The Harvard Education Review says that “Other People’s Children provides an important, yet typically avoided, discussion of how power imbalances in the larger U.S. society reverberate in classrooms.” And how! Other People’s Children …
Photo Walk – Beauty in January? Why Yes!
Monday being a holiday (and a nice, sunny one at that), Matt and I decided to take a walk around Logan to force ourselves to get out of our apartments and get some fresh air. To make it a little more fun, we took my camera and gave ourselves the challenge of finding 10 beautiful …
New Semester
After last semester’s disastrous attempt at giving me a good education (5 Distance Education classes is never a good idea), I was as ready as an overdue baby for some major changes. So far, this semester hasn’t disappointed. For starters, I have real, live teachers in front of me in all of my classes, which …