Buying a Home, Home Ownership, Milestones

We’re Under Contract For a House!!!

Sorry for the low quality photos—if all goes well, you’ll be seeing better ones soon!

If you would have told me two weeks ago that we would be under contract for a house by now, I wouldn’t have believed you. You see, we had the WORST home showings day ever a couple weeks ago, and I was seriously doubting whether I even wanted to make the move two hours south at all.

I was tired of looking at houses, I was tired of endlessly refreshing my feed, and I was tired of feeling like there was no way we could ever get what we wanted because we just couldn’t afford it. Even the amount we’d gotten for our own house didn’t seem like it was going to even start to get us the same square footage/condition of house down south. (And really, I guess it didn’t, since we went, again, to the top of our desired range to make an offer on this house, which was quite a bit higher than what we got for ours.)


We found a house that was not only big enough (and then some) for what we wanted, but we also found a house with a GREAT yard for us! I had almost given up hope that we were going to be able to get anything above a quarter acre (if even that), but we ended up finding this old 1920’s home in great condition that has a half-acre lot. The yard is in fabulous shape and has all the infrastructure we need (workshop for Matt, storage shed, garage, chicken coop, place for our future goats(!)), and the house has some FABULOUS common spaces, which will give us much more room to entertain and just to spend time all together.

We’ll want to do some updates to the interior since there are some things that are very dated, but you know we picked a winner when I’m even excited about doing those!

I know being under contract isn’t the same thing as having the key in hand, so we’re sending up lots of prayers that this all works out over the next few weeks and that we close on this house by the end of October, which is the current plan.

So excited to finally have a definite plan going forward!

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