Maybe it’s just coincidence, but I’ve had several experiences (like I mentioned in this post) that basically prove to me that many people just aren’t familiar with the classics anymore, even by name. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not intimately familiar with every single classic (yet), but because I set the crazy …
Tuesday Tell-All
A few things on my mind: *In about 17 hours, Matt and I will be on the road to Missouri to go visit my dad. In theory, I love the idea of a road trip–trekking across the country, stopping wherever looks interesting, finding awesome little hole-in-the-ground local eateries that blow your mind. In actuality, what …
The Art of Losing IS Hard to Master
So take that, Elizabeth Bishop. Matt and I had a rather solemn Sunday yesterday–we spent it moping around the house, drowning our sorrows in faux-homemade ice cream (melted peanut butter mixed into frozen Cool Whip and topped with hot fudge) and Disney movies. What was the reason for our sadness? These people: You see, the Shipleys …
A Shower & a Dinner (not at the same time)
It’s funny how things appear to happen in waves–last summer was the wave of weddings, where we attended four within the span of about three weeks. This year seems to have been the wave of babies, with a new friend or co-hort or sister-in-law gettin’ preggers every time I turn around. Of course, if I …
How Does This Always Happen?
It’s August 1st, and I have only a few weeks left of summer before I head back to my new batch of 7th graders. I feel like I haven’t done hardly anything I wanted to do this summer. How does this always happen to me? (Side note: you know what else always happens to …