
Can You Ever Really Blog for Yourself?

Blogging’s a funny thing—on the one hand, you (my reader) know more about my day-to-day life than almost anybody else (with the exception of my husband), but on the other hand, there are some glaring holes that I purposely leave out of the blog. One of those “holes” has been about blogging itself—most blogs that …


Traveling & Inspiration

I was first bit by the travel bug when I was fifteen and on my way to Florida with two of my best friends. Aside from enjoying the splendor of the beaches and the lake in the backyard and the tropical climate, that trip opened my eyes to include more of the world than my …

End of Summer = Canning

As if tomorrow being the first day of school (eek!) wasn’t enough of an indicator, summer announced its official end by two important events: 1. My mom driving up to Logan to teach me how to can tomatoes so we can start to deal with the masses of ripe, red maters that are positively gushing …

Goodbye Summer Version of Myself

Goodbye, summer Torrie. I’m sure Matt appreciated you while you were here. Goodbye to the me that: *didn’t care if her hair was pulled back more days than not *always felt like she had plenty of time for everything *took morning runs *learned to be okay with wearing less makeup *took naps whenever she read too long …

Tuesday Tell-All

*I had hoped that by tomorrow, I could get my big post with all of my pics and thoughts on our Missouri trip up and running, but considering my huge mess-up with when my teaching orientations actually started, all you get today are these two pictures. Maybe I’ll be ready with the rest by Thursday …