
The Worst Way For It All to End

   There are a million ways I would have liked my summer to come to an official end–with a cake-decorating fiesta perhaps, or by riding on a rollercoaster while eating a churro, or with a massive ice cream fight. Yes, I realize those all have to do with food. I know where my priorities are. …

Top 5 List

Top 5 Chick Flicks of All Time

Something I’ve noticed lately is that there aren’t really any great chick flicks being made anymore. So many of the movies coming out feel the constant need to throw sex, explicit language, and violence at us to make them more “exciting” to the point that the story gets lost in the muck. Plus they keep …


July Reading

Here we are, halfway through the new month, and I’m just posting on my reading for July. What just happened?! I wanted to read five books every month of the summer, but I didn’t quite make in July. However, since my goal this year wasn’t about the number of books read (unlike other years), I …

What I Do Like About Camping

I’ve always wanted to like camping. While dating, I wanted to be seen as “outdoorsy” because it was generally considered to be an attractive trait. Of course, I did (and still do) absolutely love some outdoors activities, no strings attached—I’ve always had a soft spot for rock climbing, hiking, and just being out in nature. …