Negotiating Like a Ninja + “That’s Depressing as Frome” {Self-Assigned Reading, Winter Term}

If you’ve been following any of my posts recently, you might already know that this is the term of self-assigned reading that very nearly did not happen. Like, at all. In fact, there were several points throughout the last month when I was seriously tempted to just call quits on the whole thing (this “whole …

Final Grade on Self-Assigned Reading

Final Grade on Summer Term Assigned Reading (+ Thoughts on the Past Year of Self-Assigned Reading)

Last Friday marked the end of the school year around these parts–the yellow buses shuttled kids home for the last time, my Instagram feed filled up with posts comparing 1st day/last day school shots from proud parents, and I reached my self-imposed deadline for my own “academic year.” If you’re just tuning in, at the …