I’ve always known I’m a little on the unusual side when it comes to my reading life–I’m a bit obsessive about tracking my books, I’ve kept pretty much every recommended reading list ever given to me (including some given to me in high school around 15 years ago), and I basically have to read multiple …
Negotiating Like a Ninja + “That’s Depressing as Frome” {Self-Assigned Reading, Winter Term}
If you’ve been following any of my posts recently, you might already know that this is the term of self-assigned reading that very nearly did not happen. Like, at all. In fact, there were several points throughout the last month when I was seriously tempted to just call quits on the whole thing (this “whole …
Final Grade on Fall 2018 Term Self-Assigned Reading: B+ (Whaaaat? a B?!)
It will probably come as a surprise to no one that I was the student growing up who obsessed over grades–the only A- I ever got in my public school career was in 9th grade geography (and let’s be honest–it’s a fact that still rankles today as I feel it was undeserved). In college, I …
My Self-Assigned Reading for the 2018-2019 School Year
Seeing as my social media feeds have been taken over by parents posting pics of their kids going back to school, and seeing as my own daughter is starting preschool for the first time tomorrow (eek!), I figured it was time for me to hide myself in a quiet corner somewhere to figure out …
Final Grade on Summer Term Assigned Reading (+ Thoughts on the Past Year of Self-Assigned Reading)
Last Friday marked the end of the school year around these parts–the yellow buses shuttled kids home for the last time, my Instagram feed filled up with posts comparing 1st day/last day school shots from proud parents, and I reached my self-imposed deadline for my own “academic year.” If you’re just tuning in, at the …
Final Grade On My Spring Term “Assigned Reading”
I decided school years must go a lot faster when you’re not actually, you know, teaching during one because I kind of can’t believe I’m already about to start the last quarter of this academic year. (If you’re just tuning in, at the beginning of this “school year,” I decided to set myself some assigned …
Final Grade on My Winter Term “Assigned Reading”
If you’re just tuning in, at the beginning of this “school year,” I decided to set myself some assigned reading to rev up my reading life and motivate me to read some of the books I’ve been putting off for years. Each term, I assigned myself three books and awarded each book a “percentage”—how much …
Final Grade on My Fall Term “Assigned Reading”
Back in September, I wrote a post about how I sometimes missed being in school and how, though my reading life has been thriving more lately than it ever has before in my adult life, I still often feel like the majority of my reads are “fluff” reads—not the deep stuff of substance and heft …